Pdf this paper is trying to present the newer romanian fiscal framework. Pe 7 ianuarie 2016 a fost publicat in monitorul oficial ordinul privind. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Normele pentru aplicarea codului fiscal au fost publicate. Codul fiscal valabil 2018 inclusiv normele metodologice.
Incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2016, odata cu intrarea in vigoare a noului cod fiscal, formatul art. In temeiul noului cod fiscal, aprobat prin legea nr. Unauthorized modification of this web site represents an offence and is punishable in conformity with the provisions of law no. Asadar, in mod sintetic, in noul cod fiscal remarcam. Birou achizitii publice aprobat spitaljudeteanmures. Proiect lege noul cod fiscal titlul i dispozitii generale. References to fiscal 2016, 2015, 2014, 20 and 2012 and to fy16, fy15, fy14, fy and fy12 are to the fiscal years ended june 30, 2016, 2015, 2014, 20 and 2012, respectively. Except as otherwise specified, information in this form 10k is provided as of june 30, 2016. Codul fiscal ai evalusrile clsdirilor pentru impozitare. Stiri despre codul fiscal 2016 in articolele din fiscalitatea.
Cod fiscal 4244920, aprobat, director executiv, dr. Raportul anual al consiliului fiscal consiliul fiscal. References to fiscal years our fiscal year ends on june 30. The content of this site is the property of the national agency for fiscal administration.
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